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Royal Scarabs, Scaraboids and Plaques from international collections in chronological order
A cowroid with an inscription read Rahotep a Hyksos king of the 17th Dyn., Reference: Petrie 1917, Pl. XXIII, 3 (ex Hixenbaugh Ancient Art)
Scarabs with cartouche of Thutmosis III, 18th Dyn. found in Israel (ex Archaeological Center, Jaffa)
A rectangular plaque with an inscription for Thutmosis III, 18th Dyn.: "Men Kheper Re Neter Nefer Neb Taui" (Men Kheper Re, perfect god, lord of the two lands) Below: A sphinx treading an enemy. Reference: Petrie 1917, Pl. XXVII, 51 (ex Barakat Gallery)
This scarab depicts cartouches of Thutmosis III and his son Amenophis II, Reference: unpublished ? (ex Artemission)
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